
THE CRAIC (1998) - Reviews

'McCrum puts the reader vividly in touch with both populace
and landscape ... he wears his learning lightly and has a keen
eye for oddities. The Troubles flow through the book like a
dark current, but McCrum's encounters are so richly tantalising
that Ryan Air will make a fortune'
'Roaming scribe McCrum's descriptions of Ireland convey beautifully
a bemused, baffled response to the land where paradox rules'
'A fresh, entertaining book that could enlighten Irish people
as much as anyone else'
'It is all beautifully observed, and if you are as fascinated
by the Emerald Isle as I am, or if you just want to know more
about the place, I guarantee you will enjoy this one'
'What sets it apart from the countless travel yarns from the
Emerald Isle is McCrum's eye for detail and his uncanny ability
for fishing out unique people and stories. What pushes it further
beyond the sometimes tedious genre is that the tales are not
lost in the retelling. An insightful read if you're trying to
fathom the 'real' Ireland.'