
CASTAWAY (2000) - Reviews

'A gripping account of everything that went down on Taransay'
'Ignorance of Castaway 2000 broadcasts does not diminish this
compelling book-of-the-docusoap. McCrum has pieced together
the simmering tensions and passions that flared among those
who undertook the BBC's community living project on a remote
Hebridean island. Castaway records a clash of egotism, idealism,
generosity and bitterness: an exciting book about the enduring
dream of paradise.'
* You may be surprised by the lack of reviews for this title.
It's one of the anomalies of the literary world that whereas
books about the letters of long-dead philosophers or the love
lives of minor upper-crust poets, which sell at best a few thousand
copies, get widely reviewed, those about cutting-edge cultural
phenomena, which are in the bestseller charts for weeks, get
ignored. Not that I'm complaining, you understand. |